The psyclone command

The simplest way to run PSyclone is to use the psyclone command. If you installed PSyclone using pip then this command should be available on your PATH (see Environment for more details). Alternatively it can be found in the <PSYCLONEHOME>/bin directory. The command takes an algorithm file as input and outputs modified algorithm code and generated PSy code. This section walks through its functionality.


The psyclone command is an executable script designed to be run from the command line, e.g.:

> psyclone <args>

The optional -h argument gives a description of the options provided by the command:

> psyclone -h
usage: psyclone [-h] [-oalg OALG] [-opsy OPSY] [-okern OKERN] [-api API]
                [-s SCRIPT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-I INCLUDE] [-l {off,all,output}]
                [-dm] [-nodm] [--kernel-renaming {multiple,single}]
                [--profile {invokes,routines,kernels}]
                [--backend {enable-validation,disable-validation}]
                [--config CONFIG] [--version]

Run the PSyclone code generator on a particular file

positional arguments:
  filename              algorithm-layer source code

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -oalg OALG            filename of transformed algorithm code
  -opsy OPSY            filename of generated PSy code
  -okern OKERN          directory in which to put transformed kernels,
                        default is the current working directory.
  -api API              choose a particular api from ['dynamo0.3',
                        'gocean1.0', 'nemo'], default 'dynamo0.3'.
  -s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
                        filename of a PSyclone optimisation script
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        path to a root directory structure containing kernel
                        source code. Multiple roots can be specified by using
                        multiple -d arguments.
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        path to Fortran INCLUDE or module files
  -l {off,all,output}, --limit {off,all,output}
                        limit the Fortran line length to 132 characters
                        (default 'off'). Use 'all' to apply limit to both
                        input and output Fortran. Use 'output' to apply
                        line-length limit to output Fortran only.
  -dm, --dist_mem       generate distributed memory code
  -nodm, --no_dist_mem  do not generate distributed memory code
  --kernel-renaming {multiple,single}
                        Naming scheme to use when re-naming transformed
  --profile {invokes,routines,kernels}, -p {invokes,routines,kernels}
                        Add profiling hooks for either 'kernels' or
                        'invokes/routines'. The 'kernels' option is not
                        permitted for the 'nemo' API.
  --backend {dis,en}able-validation
                        Options to control the PSyIR backend used for code
                        generation. Use 'disable-validation' to disable the
                        validation checks that are performed by default.
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Config file with PSyclone specific options.
  --version, -v         Display version information (2.5.0)

Basic Use

The simplest way to use psyclone is to provide it with an algorithm file:

> psyclone alg.f90

If the algorithm file is invalid for some reason, the command should return with an appropriate error. For example, if we use the Python psyclone-kern script as an algorithm file we get the following:

> psyclone <PSYCLONEHOME>/bin/psyclone-kern
Parse Error: Syntax error in file '<PSYCLONEHOME>/bin/psyclone-kern':
at line 1
>>>#!/usr/bin/env python

If the algorithm file is valid then the modified algorithm code and the generated PSy code will be output to the terminal screen.

Choosing the API

In the previous section we relied on PSyclone using the default API. The default API, along with the supported APIs can be seen by running the psyclone command with the -h option.

If you use a particular API frequently and it is not the default then you can change the default by creating a copy of the default psyclone.cfg file and editing it. See Configuration for more details.

If your code uses an API that is different to the default then you can specify this as an argument to the psyclone command.

> psyclone -api gocean1.0 alg.f90

File output

By default the modified algorithm code and the generated PSy code are output to the terminal. These can instead be output to files by using the -oalg <file> and -opsy <file> options, respectively. For example, the following will output the generated PSy code to the file ‘psy.f90’ but the algorithm code will be output to the terminal:

> psyclone -opsy psy.f90 alg.f90

If PSyclone is being used to transform Kernels then the location to write these to is specified using the -okern <directory> option. If this is not supplied then they are written to the current working directory. By default, PSyclone will overwrite any kernel of the same name in that directory. To change this behaviour, the user can use the --no_kernel_clobber option. This causes PSyclone to re-name any transformed kernel that would clash with any of those already present in the output directory.

Algorithm files with no invokes

If psyclone is provided with a file that contains no invoke calls then the command outputs a warning to stdout and copies the input file to stdout, or to the specified algorithm file (if the -oalg <file> option is used). No PSy code will be output. If a file is specified using the -opsy <file> option this file will not be created.

> psyclone -opsy psy.f90 -oalg alg_new.f90 empty_alg.f90
Warning: 'Algorithm Error: Algorithm file contains no invoke() calls: refusing to
generate empty PSy code'

Kernel search directory

When an algorithm file is parsed, the parser looks for the associated kernel files. The way in which this is done requires that any user-defined kernel routine (as opposed to Built-ins) called within an invoke must have an explicit use statement. For example, the following code gives an error:

> cat no_use.f90
program no_use
  call invoke(testkern_type(a,b,c,d,e))
end program no_use
> psyclone -api gocean1.0 no_use.f90
"Parse Error: kernel call 'testkern_type' must either be named in a use statement or be a recognised built-in (one of '[]' for this API)"

(If the chosen API has any Built-ins defined then these will be listed within the [] in the above error message.) If the name of the kernel is provided in a use statement then the parser will look for a file with the same name as the module in the use statement. In the example below, the parser will look for a file called “testkern.f90” or “testkern.F90”:

> cat use.f90
program use
  use testkern, only : testkern_type
  call invoke(testkern_type(a,b,c,d,e))
end program use

Therefore, for PSyclone to find kernel files, the module name of a kernel file must be the same as its filename. By default the parser looks for the kernel file in the same directory as the algorithm file. If this file is not found then an error is reported.

> psyclone use.f90
Kernel file 'testkern.[fF]90' not found in <location>

The -d option can be used to tell psyclone where to look for kernel files by supplying it with a directory. The execution will recurse from the specified directory path to look for the required file. There must be only one instance of the specified file within (or below) the specified directory:

> cd <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone
> psyclone -d . use.f90
More than one match for kernel file 'testkern.[fF]90' found!
> psyclone -d tests/test_files/dynamo0p3 -api dynamo0.3 use.f90
[code output]


The -d option can be repeated to add as many search directories as is required, with the constraint that there must be only one instance of the specified file within (or below) the specified directories.

Transformation script

By default the psyclone command will generate ‘vanilla’ Algorithm-layer and PSy-layer code with unmodified kernels for the gocean1.0 and lfric (dynamo0.3) APIs. For the nemo API, psyclone will not perform any transformations on the input code.

The -s option allows a Python script to be specified which can contain PSyclone transformations to transform the code. This option is discussed in more detail in the Script section.

Fortran line length

By default the psyclone command will generate Fortran code with no consideration of Fortran line-length limits. As the line-length limit for free-format Fortran is 132 characters, the code that is output may be non-conformant.

Line length is not an issue for many compilers as they allow compiler flags to be set which allow lines longer than the Fortran standard. However this is not the case for all compilers.

When either the -l all or -l output option is specified to the psyclone command, the output will be line wrapped so that the output lines are always within the 132 character limit.

The -l all additionally checks the parsed algorithm and kernel files for conformance and raises an error if they do not conform.

Line wrapping is not performed by default. There are two reasons for this. This first reason is that most compilers are able to cope with long lines. The second reason is that the line wrapping implementation could fail in certain pathological cases. The implementation and limitations of line wrapping are discussed in the Limitations section.

Distributed memory

By default the psyclone command will generate distributed memory (DM) code (i.e. parallelised using MPI). As with the choice of API, this default may be configured by editing psyclone.cfg - see Configuration. Alternatively, whether or not to generate DM code can be specified as an argument to the psyclone command using the -dm/--dist_mem or -nodm/--no_dist_mem flags, respectively.

For details of PSyclone’s support for generating DM code see Distributed Memory.

Automatic Profiling Instrumentation

The --profile option allows the user to instruct PSyclone to automatically insert profiling calls within the generated PSy code. Two options are provided, invokes (or routines) and kernels. The first of these causes PSyclone to insert profiling-start and -stop calls at the beginning and end of every generated invoke routine (or processed subroutine). The second puts profiling calls around every Kernel call, including the associated loops. (Since the ‘nemo’ API does not have the concept of Kernels, this option is not valid for that API.) The generated code must be linked against the PSyclone profiling interface and the profiling tool itself. The application that calls the PSyclone-generated code is responsible for initialising and finalising the profiling library that is being used (if necessary). For full details on the use of this profiling functionality please see the Profiling section.

Outputting of Transformed Kernels

When transforming kernels there are two use-cases to consider:

  1. a given kernel will be transformed only once and that version then used from multiple, different Invokes and Algorithms;

  2. a given kernel is used from multiple, different Invokes and Algorithms and is transformed differently, depending on the Invoke.

Whenever PSyclone is used to transform a kernel, the new kernel must be re-named in order to avoid clashing with other possible calls to the original. By default (--kernel-renaming multiple), PSyclone generates a new, unique name for each kernel that is transformed. Since PSyclone is run on one Algorithm file at a time, it uses the chosen kernel output directory (-okern) to ensure that names created by different invocations do not clash. Therefore, when building a single application, the same kernel output directory must be used for each separate invocation of PSyclone.

Alternatively, in order to support use case 1, a user may specify --kernel-renaming single: now, before transforming a kernel, PSyclone will check the kernel output directory and if a transformed version of that kernel is already present then that will be used. Note, if the kernel file on disk does not match with what would be generated then PSyclone will raise an exception.

Fortran INCLUDE Files and Modules

For the NEMO API, if the source code to be processed by PSyclone contains INCLUDE statements then the location of any INCLUDE’d files must be supplied to PSyclone via the -I or --include option. (This is necessary because INCLUDE lines are a part of the Fortran language and must therefore be parsed - they are not handled by any pre-processing step.) Multiple locations may be specified by using multiple -I flags, e.g.:

> psyclone api "nemo" -I /some/path -I /some/other/path alg.f90

If no include paths are specified then the directory containing the source file currently being parsed is searched by default. If the specified INCLUDE file is not found then PSyclone will abort with an appropriate error.

Attempting to specify -I/--include for any API other than NEMO will be rejected by PSyclone.

Currently, the PSyKAl-based APIs (LFRic and GOcean) will ignore (but preserve) INCLUDE statements in algorithm-layer code. However, INCLUDE statements in kernels will, in general, cause the kernel parsing to fail unless the file(s) referenced in such statements are in the same directory as the kernel file. Once kernel parsing has been re-implemented to use fparser2 (issue #239) and the PSyclone Internal Representation then the behaviour will be the same as for the NEMO API.

Since PSyclone does not attempt to be a full compiler, it does not require that the code be available for any Fortran modules referred to by use statements. However, certain transformations do require that e.g. type information be determined for all variables in the code being transformed. In this case PSyclone will need to be able to find and process any referenced modules. To do this it searches in the directories specified by the -I/--include flags. (Currently this search assumes that a module named e.g. “my_mod” will be in a file named “my_mod.*90” - see issue #1895.)

Backend Options

The final code generated by PSyclone is created by passing the PSyIR tree to one of the ‘backends’ (see PSyIR Back-ends in the Developer Guide for more details). The --backend flag permits a user to tune the behaviour of this code generation. Currently, the only option is {en,dis}able-validation which turns on/off the validation checks performed when doing code generation. By default, such validation is enabled as it is only at code-generation time that certain constraints can be checked (since PSyclone does not mandate the order in which code transformations are applied). Occasionally, these validation checks may raise false positives (due to incomplete implementations), at which point it is useful to be able to disable them. The default behaviour may be changed by adding the BACKEND_CHECKS_ENABLED entry to the configuration file. Any command-line setting always takes precendence though. It is recommended that validation only be disabled as a last resort and for as few input source files as possible.

C Pre-processor #include Files

PSyclone currently only supports Fortran input. As such, if a file to be processed contains CPP #include statements then it must first be processed by a suitable pre-processor before being passed to PSyclone. PSyclone will abort with an appropriate error if it encounters a #include in any code being processed. This is true of all of the PSyclone APIs.